Have a great chuseok holiday!

This week, Kindergarten students learned how to make Songpyeon, (a tteok traditionally eaten during Chuseok), during their Korean class with play dough! Be careful, they are not real and cannot be eaten, but students can always get some in the markets during this time!

LFS wishes you the best holidays and see you again next Thursday!

풍요롭고 여유로운 한가위 보내세요 !
이번 주 유치원생들은 한국어 수업 시간에 클레이로 송편을 만드는 법을 배웠습니다! 좋은 추석 연휴를 보내시고 다음 주 목요일에 다시 뵙겠습니다!