The health, safety and well-being of students are top priorities at Lycée Français de Séoul (LFS).
A French, English and Korean-speaking school nurse is available to students, parents and staff on a daily basis for any physical, relational or psychological reason.
Student Affairs (Vie Scolaire) team ensures that the students respect the hygiene and safety rules and that everyone follows their schooling in the best possible conditions.

Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
02 535 1158
Student Affairs
Monday to Friday: 7:45am to 5:15pm
02 535 1158
Before each new school year, medical information must be indicated or updated on Eduka so that we can take good care of your child. Any changes during the year must be reported by email to the nurse and updated in Eduka.
In order to attend LFS, students obligated to vaccinate against
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Poliomyelitis
The vaccinations below are strongly recommended and are mandatory for children born on or after January 1, 2018:
- Haemophilus influenzae type b
- Hepatitis B
- Pneumococcal infections
- Invasive meningococcal serogroup C infections
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
Vaccinations against BCG, hepatitis A and Japanese encephalitis (JE) are also recommended when living in Korea.
Find more information on French vaccination calendar.
Please contact the nurse for the implementation of an Individualized Healthcare Plan (PAI) in case of long-term treatment.

In order to limit the spread of contagious diseases, we apply strict hygiene measures and ask you to comply with the following rules:
- Respect of hygiene protocols at LFS: careful hand washing, ventilation and disinfection of the premises.
- When ill, children should not enter or stay in school (in case of fever over 37.5°, vomiting, diarrhea…).
- If a health issue occurs, parents are contacted and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible.
- If your child has a contagious disease, you must notify the school as soon as possible by phone or email so that we can take the necessary steps to limit any spread within the school.
It is forbidden for students to carry medication within the school premises. If your child requires treatment during school hours, medication must be handed over to the nurse along with a medical prescription on which the dosage and duration of the treatment should be stated and the form to download here.
Allergies or food restrictions should be communicated to the nurse who will liaise with canteen staff, and teachers.
If your child is suddenly ill at school, he or she will be taken to the nurse’s office for a health assessment. He/she will then either rest for a few moments and return to class or you will be called to pick him/her up.
In the event of an accident, the school will call the nearest hospital if you gave your consent at the beginning of the year. It is essential that medical data and decisions relative to your child are properly filled in on Eduka in order to deal with those situations.
As part of the health monitoring of students, a first compulsory check-up is conducted in Grande Section (GS). The presence of a parent is strongly recommended. This examination includes the early identification of signs that may lead to later learning difficulties: visual, hearing, cognitive problems,etc.
A second assessment is carried out during the year of 6ème (grade 6).
The Student Affairs (Vie Scolaire) Department is made up of seven Educational Assistants (AED) and the Secondary School Dean of Students (CPE). Its main mission is to ensure that each student attends school in the best possible conditions and that people, property and the rules of community life are respected.
The Student Affairs office is a welcoming place where students can, at any time of the day, discuss their school or personal problems and obtain information on the daily organization of middle and high schools. They play an educational role by promoting respect for internal rules, managing absences and lateness, helping students solve problems and setting up school projects, etc..
The Dean of Students (CPE), Mr. Delabrosse, ensures the individual follow-up of students jointly with head teachers and the school nurse, and informs families of any issue affecting the schooling of their children.