schools worldwide
395 000
40% : 60%
French : Foreign students

Accreditation of French schools outside of France is the procedure by which the French Ministry of National Education certifies and recognizes that these schools provide education in accordance with the principles, curriculums and teaching organization of the French education system.
The certified schools thus guarantee families a curriculum based on the French program while respecting the values and requirements of the French education system.
Accreditation is granted by level (kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school) and must be renewed every five years as part of a monitoring process to ensure respect of selected principles and criteria.
As a certified member of this global school network, LFS benefits from privileged access to educational training and professional development services coordinated by the AEFE.
AEFE is a national public institution supervised by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. It has been coordinating a network of schools attended by families of French and foreign nationalities alike in 138 countries for the past 30 years.
The agreement which LFS signed with the AEFE in 2002 was recently renewed in 2017.
Our school is therefore one of the 162 certified French schools in the world, with the remaining ones being either directly managed by the AEFE or partner schools.
As the AEFE representative at LFS, the Headmaster is responsible for the educational organization and general operation of the school. In cooperation with the inspection services of the French Ministry of National Education, he/she ensures teaching at LFS complies with certification rules.
AEFE is a dynamic network which annually organizes sports, educational, scientific and artistic events, some of them per geographical area. In recent years, LFS students have therefore participated in:

Ambassadeurs en herbe, a verbal jousting and debating competition for primary, middle and high school students at regional and global level with a World finale in Paris. Students improve their presentation, language and debating skills while interacting with students from other schools.
Olympiads, competitions in mathematics, chemistry or history-geography in particular for middle and high school students. Several weeks of preparation are necessary for participants to develop innovative projects individually and as a team.

Basketball, football, swimming and rugby championships encourage students to gain achievements, the winning and team spirits as the grounding values for these annual events, eagerly awaited by students.
Global French School Week (Semaine des Lycées Français du Monde), an event during which all students, from Kindergarten to High school, use various literary, digital, artistic and educational media to nurture and share ideas developed around a common theme with other AEFE network students.

For more information on the competitions and meetings participated by the LFS students, please visit Student Projects and the list of events on http://www.aefe.fr