As part of of a program known as Parcours Avenir, the Lycée Français de Séoul (LFS) assists middle and high school students to prepare for their career paths through an introduction to the professional world, the selection of courses for the Baccalaureate and the planning of their university studies.
LFS organizes many events and meetings dedicated to university counseling and career guidance throughout the year thanks to a committed team made up of an Appointed University Guidance Teacher (Personnel Référent en Information et Orientation), the Secondary School Academic Advisor (Conseiller Principal d’Education) and the CDI Librarian and Head Teachers in secondary school.

In middle school, the development of the university guidance program is based on skills promoted in the common core such as autonomy, initiative, social and civic skills. Depending on the grade, the activities meet different objectives:
- In 6ème and 5ème (grade 6 and 7): explore the nature of various jobs, gather information, identify one’s interests, imagine one’s future;
- In 4ème (grade 8): adopt a rational approach, acquire methods of analysis and data processing, develop one’s critical sense and one’s capacity for questioning;
- In 3ème (grade 9): weigh and integrate personal preferences, use one’s knowledge to make informed choices.
Initiatives and projects coordinated by the main teacher throughout the year allow students to learn about the professional world.
Middle school students have access to the resources available at the Secondary School Library (CDI) and attend exhibitions and events organized by LFS.
In high school, this program moves on to university guidance and focuses on the preparation for higher education. The objectives vary according to the grades:
- In Seconde (grade 10): research and structure useful information to outline one’s path from high school to further education;
- In Première (grade 11): plan post-Baccalaureate further education;
- In Terminale (grade 12): finalize choices, prepare admission applications, convince institutions, prepare for competitive exams.
High school students benefit from weekly hours dedicated to their university guidance project.
Starting in Seconde, each student benefits from an annual one-on-one interview with the teacher-counselor in charge of university guidance (PRIO) in order to discuss his or her plans. Families may request an additional meeting with the PRIO at any time or contact the head teachers for a different perspective on the student’s choices. In Seconde, students select specializations for Première and Terminale years according to their skills, interests and career plans; in Première and Terminale, students develop and finalize their plans and applications for higher education.
The development of each university guidance plan involves the commitment of the student, his or her family, the teachers and the PRIO during several months so that the student can make informed decisions about his or her future academic and career choices.
CDI and the University Counseling Space
The Information and Documentation Center (CDI) and its “University Counseling Space” is the first place where information is available to students: school and university brochures, ONISEP magazines, dedicated magazines such as l’Etudiant, books, etc.
Online resources
- The website Parcoursup is the French national procedure for pre-registration for higher education and access to all education courses in France.
- Combine your specialties and find out which higher education and career opportunities are available to you:
- L’Onisep , the official website for higher education in France, provides information on university guidance, studies and careers. Its counselors answer any questions you may have on these issues. Secondary school and university students, as well as parents, can contact them by phone, chat or email :
- The University Guidance and Higher Education Service of AEFE offers a wide range of information online.
- The interaction platform AGORA : a unique platform for discussion and information sharing between the 6,000 current and future alumni from AEFE schools around the world. Our high school students have access to this platform as of Seconde and as such can consult many interviews and testimonials and ask questions to other members.
Meetings and events at LFS :
LFS organizes information meetings and events every year for students to understand the university application process and to make informed choices for higher education.
- Information meetings for parents of students from 3ème to Terminale during which LFS presents, in French or in English, its curriculum, available specialties in high school, as well as the French university system and the registration procedure on Parcoursup.
- Career Forum in November: students from 4ème to Terminale have the opportunity to meet with 30 to 40 professionals.
- University guidance week in January: numerous meetings and activities are organized at the CDI in order to raise students’ awareness and remind them of the central role of this facility in providing information.
- Meetings with higher education institutions throughout the year: representatives from schools and universities in France and around the world meet with students on our premises or by videoconference, present their courses and registration procedures, and answer various questions.
- Student forum organized every two years by Campus France: students can meet staffs and representatives of schools and universities to find out about entry, study and student life conditions.

Each year, LFS is proud to report a 100% success rate in the Baccalauréate with over 90% passed with honors.
Most students then go on to higher education in France, however many also choose to attend university around the world (England, Switzerland, Canada, etc). Our students study in fields as diverse as science, business, art, law, literature, hospitality or political science.
Consult this document to know more about the university destinations chosen by our students over the last 7 years.
The Excellence-Major Scholarship may be awarded to non-French students whose track record and commitment to the school have been particularly outstanding and inspiring. To benefit from this scholarship, the student must commit to studying in France for 5 years and must present a structured and ambitious higher education project. The head teacher, in consultation with the class’s educational team, selects the students likely to be eligible for this scholarship, and submits their names to the headmaster for approval. A specific AEFE commission then decides on the allocation of the scholarships.
For an accredited French education,
offering multilingual pathways