Enrollment / Re-enrollment for 2024-2025 school year at the LFS

You will find below the information necessary for theenrollment request for new students and there-enrollment request for current LFS families, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please click the banner according to your situation:

Enrollment for new students

Thank you for choosing the French School of Seoul (Lycée Français de Séoul, LFS) as a new educational project for your child.

Here is the admission information for the 2024-2025 school year :

You can access the application form from wednesday, March 13 after creating an EDUKA account.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Create an account
  2. Click on the New enrollment button
  3. When the application form is complete, click on the orange button Submit file

Please note:

Withdrawal for LFS families

If you would like to re-enroll your child at the LFS for the 2024-2025 school year, please follow these steps: :

1. Please go to Pronote > Communication > Informations & Surverys to respond to the survey.

  • If you are unsure whether to re-enroll your child and unable to respond at this stage, please do not hesitate to contact admission@lfseoul.org
Internet version

2. Go to EDUKA > Re-enrollment for the re-enrollment form.

3. When the application form is complete, click on the orange button Submit file.

Please note:

  • Update any information that has changed (telephone number, registration card, …)
  • Indicate the choice of school path (SIA, PARLE, LV2, etc.).
  • Students who wish to enroll for the first time in the SIA option for the next school year must choose SIA on the Eduka form. The final confirmation of your choice will be made afterward, by the decision of the faculty.
  • Please read carefully the documents on the new modification of educational programs and services for detailed information.

Here are the important dates:

Date limite de remise de l’attestation annuelle d’éligibilité au tarif réduit dans le formulaire d’EDUKA pour les personnes concernées et pour application sur le montant des frais de réinscription. Deadline for submission of the annual certificate of eligibility for the reduced rate to be updated on the EDUKA form for the persons concerned, with the application to the amount of the re-enrollment fees.
(By default, the standard rate will be applied)
March 28
Deadline to pay the re-enrollment fees, in order to guarantee my child’s schooling at the LFS for the 2024/2025 school year.April 14
In the event of cancellation of the re-enrollment, the re-enrollment fees are refundable up to 70%.Before June 9
In the event of cancellation of the re-enrollment, the re-enrollment fees are refundable up to 50%.Before June 30

For more information on tuition fees, please consult the Tuition Fees webpage

Radiation pour les familles actuelles du LFS

If you wish to withdraw your child from the LFS, please follow these steps:

1. Please go to Pronote > Communication > Informations & Surverys to respond to the survey.

  • If you are unsure whether to re-enroll your child and unable to respond at this stage, please do not hesitate to contact secretariat@lfseoul.org

2. Go to EDUKA > Withdrawal for the withdrawal form.

3. When the application form is complete, click on the orange button Submit file.

Please note:

  • Please correctly indicate the date of your child’s last day at the LFS
  • Please correctly indicate the name of the next school, the city and the reason for the withdrawal. This information will help us collect information and understand more about our students.
I am not sure of my plans yet for School year 2024-2025

If you are note sure whether to re-enroll your child at the LFS, please follow these steps:

1. Please go to Pronote > Communication > Informations & Surveys to respond to the survey.

2. Please send us an email secretariat@lfseoul.org for clarification.

In the absence of a response from you – (1) Re-enrollment, (2) withdrawal or (3) “I do not know yet” – before April 14, 2024, we will consider your child(ren) as withdrawn from the LFS for the 2024/2025 school year: your child(ren) will likely to be placed on the waiting list in the event of limited places.
