High school includes three stages: the Seconde (grade 10) remains a year of general interest for students to select the specializations they will follow for the next two grades. Then the Première (grade 11) and Terminale (grade 12) leads to the French Baccalaureate exam, a gateway to higher education.

years old


subject teachers

 success rate in the Baccalaureate


In Seconde (grade 10), students pursue their general education and explore two new subjects: Digital Sciences and Economics and Social Science. In addition to the following:

  • German or Spanish
  • English
  • Physical Education
  • Moral and Civic Education
  • French
  • History-Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Earth and Life Science
  • Economics and Social Science
  • Digital Sciences and Technology
  • Personalized coaching in French and Mathematics  
  • Personalized Orientation Coaching 

Students can also take any optional courses they started in Middle School such as Korean and Latin.

In Première and Terminale, students follow a common core curriculum as well as 3 specialties of their choice:

The Common Core Curriculum:

  • Language A : English, German, Korean or Spanish
  • Language B : English, German, Korean or Spanish
  • Physical Education
  • Moral and Civic Education
  • Scientific Education
  • French (only in Première)
  • History and Geography
  • Philosophy (only in Terminale)

Specialty subjects:

  • History, Geography and Political Science 
  • Humanities, Literature and Philosophy
  • Foreign Language, Literature and Culture
  • Mathematics
  • Digital and Computer Science
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Earth and Life Science
  • Economics and Social Science

Optional elective courses: Latin, Complementary Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Third Language (LVC), and Law and Contemporary Issues (DGEMC).

In Première, the student can reorganize the order of his or her modern languages, for example by choosing Korean as LVA (Modern Language A), English as LVB (Modern Language B), and German or Spanish as optional subjects. The order chosen determines the level of language proficiency expected in the Baccalaureate.

Upon successful completion of the entrance test, students are also given the opportunity to take the American International Section (SIA) courses and study American language, literature and culture as well as a dedicated history and geography program in English. SIA is now available in Seconde. It will open in Première(grade 11) at the beginning of the school year 2021, and in Terminale for the school year 2022.

Find more details on the Learning Languages page.


The Baccalaureate marks the end of schooling years and the transition to higher education for the majority of students. The French Baccalaureate has been reformed to allow each student to take a more personalized diploma in line with their own aspirations.

  • 40% of the final grade of the Baccalaureate is based on continuous assessment tests (known as Common Continuous Assessment Tests) and the average of all the grades obtained in Première and Terminale (known as Report Cards).
  • 60% of the final grade of the Baccalaureate is made up of written and oral exams (known as the Final Examinations) including French at the end of Première.

As for the three majors chosen at the end of Seconde, one will be taken only in Première to make 5% of the final grade, while the other two will be continued in Terminale and will each represent 16% of the final grade.  Find out more on the Baccalaureate exams in this document and on the website eduscol.fr

As of June 2023, students in the American International Section will take specific exams for the Baccalauréat Option internationale (OIB).

The Baccalaureate exams take place on LFS premises. Each year, our community takes pride in our students’ 100% success rate, including 90% with honors.


Starting in middle school, students participate in various career exploration events organized by LFS that determines their university counseling: career fair in November, guidance week in January, meetings with university representatives throughout the year, as well as presentation meetings with parents.

Students have the opportunity to learn about different career paths, opportunities and higher education streams. They are supported by headteachers and an Appointed University Guidance teacher. Find more information on the University Counseling page.


In the Secondary School Library (CDI: Information and Documentation Center), is also the home for the Center for Knowledge and Culture (3C). The 3C is an open access space for middle and high school students to work and documentary research. They can work individually or in groups on their school or extracurricular projects in this work and research space.

A space dedicated to university counseling offers all the useful documents: brochures from French schools and universities, magazines covering university choices such as l’Etudiant and ONISEP, etc.

Students also have access to the center’s online documentation platform, ESIDOC, which references all the media available at LFS as well as online journals.


Each subject is taught by an experienced and accredited teacher. A headteacher coordinates the educational team and is the point of reference for students, parents and LFS staff. The quality of projects and teaching offered in accordance with the French curriculum reflects the commitment of teachers to their students’ success and learning.


Each student’s acquisition of skills is reviewed throughout the year. A periodic report card is issued at the end of each term after a class council meeting chaired by the Headmaster and attended by all the teachers, parent representatives, student representatives and the Dean of Students (CPE).


Each year, LFS participates in international sports and cultural and scientific events with other French schools in the Asia Pacific region. 

These PROZAPs (PROJECTS of the Asia Pacific Zone) are a unique opportunity for our students to participate in such projects and to engage in their passions: soccer, swimming, debating, coding, mathematics or science Olympiads, photo contests, etc.

Attending a PROZAP requires prior investment on the part of the students and teachers in charge. Students develop skills, build new ties with their peers from LFS or other schools and take great pride in representing LFS. Participation and awards can m


Two students, two high schools, two countries, one experience… ADN-AEFE allows students in Seconde to be part of an exchange during the school year in another institution participating in the ADN-AEFE program. By immersing themselves for several weeks in a new family, school, cultural and linguistic environment, students enrich their educational path while benefiting from continuity in learning. The LFS is one of the schools participating in this program: click on the image to learn more.


Every year, high school students embark on a local journey: a trip to Vladivostok, a contemporary dance show, a theater performance, an exhibition in museums or art centers, etc. Always in connection with teaching, these outings support learning about community life and open-mindedness.

For an accredited French education, offering multilingual pathways