LFS receives the Olympic Class Label

Since 2017, the Lycée Français de Séoul has been labeled the “Olympic Class” by the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF). 

And in 2020, our project has been selected to represent all AEFE schools!

What does the LFS Olympic class stand for?

Sports and Olympic themes as learning resources.

This project includes students from kindergarten to high school,and encourages a multidisciplinary approach to the same subject throughout the year, using sports and Olympic themes as learning resources.

The immediate objectives of the project are as follows:

  • Increase youth awareness of sports’ practice and benefits,
  • Promote access to sports / para-sports and increase students’ participation in physical activities,
  • Engage students in a deep learning process from an early age,
  • Educate young people on the values of Olympism and promote them,
  • Use sport and Olympism as a vector of education.

As members of an Olympic Class, students and teachers use the pedagogical and educational resources (files, videos, games…) made available by the CNOSF.

Click here to find them

Sporting events for all

In line with its Olympic Class label, LFS organizes an Olympic and Paralympic week each year in February.  Students have the opportunity to try out sports which they are not used to, or which reflect the values of Olympism, as well as Paralympic sports such as wheelchair basketball or torball (soccer as a blind person). 

These experiences are supported by videos of athletes played at the CDI, photo exhibitions, drawing contests or a major quiz.

A sports week also organized at the end of the year gives  students in 6ème (grade 6) the opportunity to set up sports workshops with CM1 (grade 4) and CM2 (grade 5) classes.

Other sports competitions with schools in Seoul or the Asia Pacific region, as well as separate classroom events, contribute to this global Olympic Classroom project.

Last, LFS has been awarded the Generation 2024 label in recognition for its initiatives and shared sporting values over the past several years.