LFS is managed in the legal form of a non-profit association, of which the main resource comes from fees charged to families; tuition fees and first registration fees (DPI) are decided at the end of each calendar year by the Management Board.

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Please refer to the current financial regulations for any questions about LFS fees and financial conditions for 2025-2026 Academic Year:

For the current financial regulations of 2024-2025 Academic Year, please click the following to view the document in French (français), English or Korean (한국어).

If you have any questions, please consult the FAQs below or contact our



When registering for the first time, a First Registration Fee (DPI) of ₩ 3,500,000 is added to the tuition fees. This DPI is a one-time fee and is non-refundable. On each re-enrollment, a fee amounting to ₩ 150,000 for the reduced price or ₩ 300,000 for the normal price is invoiced.

The reduced rate applies only to children of French nationality whose school fees are not fully covered, directly or indirectly, by a company or an organization.

Annual tuition feesSchool lunch fees*ANNUAL TOTAL
Primary school
Kindergarten and elementary
Standard price₩ 13,241,000₩ 1,364,000₩ 14,605,000
Reduced price₩ 10,140,000₩ 1,364,000 11,504,000
Middle schoolStandard price₩ 18,264,000₩ 1,704,000 19,968,000
Reduced price₩ 13,995,000₩ 1,704,000₩ 15,699,000
High schoolStandard price₩ 20,472,000₩ 1,704,000*₩ 22,176,000
Reduced price₩ 15,800,000₩ 1,704,000* 17,504,000

* The school lunch is compulsory only in September from kindergarten to high school. The prices indicated here concern 4 days of school lunches per week for primary school and 5 days of school lunches per week for middle school and high school.

Students may attend the Kindergarten preliminary class (Toute Petite Section) upon decision of the school’s management and based on the timing conditions decided by the school’s management, depending on available places and development of the child. 
The tuition fees for the students of the Bridge Class correspond to the child’s grade in regular class.

When registering for the first time, a First Registration Fee (DPI) of ₩ 3,500,000 is added to the tuition fees. This DPI is a one-time fee and is non-refundable. On each re-enrollment, a fee amounting to ₩ 150,000 for the reduced price or ₩ 300,000 for the normal price is invoiced.

The reduced rate applies only to children of French nationality whose school fees are not fully covered, directly or indirectly, by a company or an organization.

Annual tuition feesSchool lunch fees*ANNUAL TOTAL
Primary school
Kindergarten and elementary
Standard rate₩ 13,241,000₩ 1,364,000₩ 14,605,000
Reduced rate₩ 10,140,0001,364,000₩ 11,504,000
Middle schoolStandard rate₩ 18,264,000₩ 1,704,000₩ 19,968,000
Reduced rate₩ 13,995,0001,704,000₩ 15,699,000
High schoolStandard rate₩ 20,472,0001,704,000*₩ 22,176,000
Reduced rate₩ 15,800,0001,704,000*₩ 17,504,000

* School lunch is compulsory from Kindergarten to Middle school, as well as during the month of September for High school students..

Students may attend the Kindergarten preliminary class (Toute Petite Section) upon decision of the school’s management and based on the timing conditions decided by the school’s management, depending on available places and development of the child. 

The tuition fees for the students of the Bridge Class correspond to the child’s grade in regular class.


Annual school lunch optionsPrimary school ₩ 340,000on Wednesday
High School₩ 174,000
₩ 321,000
₩ 621,000
₩ 954,000
₩ 1,263,000
₩ 1,530,000
Compulsory in September
1 lunch / week
2 lunches / week
3 lunches / week  
4 lunches / week
5 lunches / week
American International Section (SIA)GS & Primary school 1,699,000
Middle school₩ 2,020,000
High school₩ 2,275,000
Extra-curriculars (AES) and summer campSee the AES catalog
Exam fees*DNB (National Certificate examination – for Troisième (grade 9) Included in the tuition
for LFS students
for external candidates
Preliminary Baccalaureate examinations – for Première (grade 11) Included in the tuition
for LFS students
for external candidates
Baccalaureate – for Terminale (grade 12) Included in the tuition
for LFS students
for external candidates
Cambridge EnglishFree for LFS students in CM2, 3ème and Terminale 
Registration of external students is possible. Click here for more information (LINK to the Cambridge page).

* LFS is an authorized examination center for the National Certicficate, the Baccalaureate and the Cambridge exams (KETfs, PETfs, FCE, CAE). Other exams such as the Goethe Zertifikat, DELE or TOPIK are held in test centers outside of LFS, by other institutions, where students can visit to take the exams. Preparation and registration of these exams can be taken care of during the school year for the LFS students.

Annual school lunch optionsPrimary school ₩ 340,000on Wednesday
High School₩ 174,000
₩ 321,000
₩ 621,000
₩ 954,000
₩ 1,253,000
₩ 1,530,000
Compulsory in September
1 lunch / week
2 lunches / week
3 lunches / week  
4 lunches / week
5 lunches / week
American International Section (SIA)Primary school₩ 1,699,000
Middle school₩ 2,020,000
High school₩ 2,275,000
Extra-curriculars (AES) and summer campSee the AES catalog
Exam fees*DNB (National Certificate examination – for Troisième (grade 9)Included in the tuition
for LFS students (compulsory)
for external candidates
Preliminary Baccalaureate examinations – for Première (grade 11) Included in the tuition
for LFS students (compulsory)
for external candidates
Baccalaureate – for Terminale (grade 12)Included in the tuition
for LFS students (compulsory)
for external candidates
Cambridge EnglishFree for LFS students in CM2, 3ème and Terminale 
Registration of external students is possible. Click here for more information (LINK to the Cambridge page).

* LFS is an authorized examination center for the National Certicficate, the Baccalaureate and the Cambridge exams (KETfs, PETfs, FCE, CAE). Other exams such as the Goethe Zertifikat, DELE or TOPIK are held in test centers outside of LFS, by other institutions, where students can visit to take the exams. Preparation and registration of these exams can be taken care of during the school year for the LFS students.


A scholarship may be granted by the French state to LFS students of French nationality, provided they meet specific eligibility and resources requirements set by AEFE.

Applications are usually organized twice a year, in September and January. 

Find out more on French Embassy in South Korea website


Do I qualify for the reduced price or any other discount?

There are two kinds of discounts available at LFS: 

1- Students of French nationality on scholarships, as well as students of French nationality whose tuition fees are not fully covered, either directly or indirectly, by a company or an organization, can benefit from the reduced price. In order to benefit from this reduced price, each of the legal guardians should provide a statement related to school fees support, signed by her(his) employer. This statement template is available on the Admission Portal in EDUKA, within the registration or re-enrollment process.
2- Large families can benefit from an exemption on re-enrollment fees starting from the 3rd child.

Please refer to the Financial Regulations for more details.

Which methods of tuition pagement are available?

Newly enrolling students must pay First Registration Fees (DPI) within 15 days to secure registration. 

Existing students must pay the re-enrollment fees before April 7, in order to confirm your child’s re-enrollment.

Tuition fees must be paid in full before school starts. It is also possible to pay in 3 installments according to the following schedule: 40% due on September 1st, 30% due on January 1st, 30% due on April 1st. Please contact the Finance team at to request an installment payment plan as soon as you receive our annual invoice and at latest by mid-July. 

Please refer to the Financial Regulations for more details.

How should I proceed if I am currently waiting for a scholarship decision?

Families waiting for an answer from the French State Scholarship Commission must pay 10% of tuition fees, new student fees, and other additional fees each month until the commission has reached a decision. Should the scholarship application be rejected, the family must then pay all outstanding tuition fees.

Families are to pay the reminder in case the scholarship only partially covers tuition fees. It is possible to pay this balance in quarterly installments. Please refer to the Financial Regulations for more details.

What is the mandatory subscription to the APE?

School fees combine tuition fees and a compulsory membership fee to the Parents’ Association (APE). APE is a non-profit association which represents all parents at LFS and is responsible for the school’s management.

The distinction between tuition fees and association dues was made solely to comply with Korean legal regulations and to allow for real estate investments to be made for the school’s expansion: tuition fees finance teaching and operational costs while association dues cover property investments and the subsequent loan reimbursements borne by the school’s managing body. 

Tuition fees and APE dues are merged in school fees but Financial Regulations and invoices must necessarily distinguish them. Contribution to the APE is therefore compulsory, just like tuition fees.

How can I retrieve my invoices and know the remaining balance of fees due?

The Finance section in Eduka allows you to consult a summary of all outstanding expenses (school fees, school lunch, extracurricular activities, participation in school trips, etc.) and to print invoices and payment receipts.

What if the payment I just made does not show in my Eduka account?

Payments require verification and manual entry by our Finance team, and  there may be a few days delay before they appear in your Eduka account. A confirmation email will be sent to you. This delay may be extended if the payment occurs during school closure between mid-July and mid-August.

Which bank account should I use for the payment of fees?

To make payments to the LFS, you must use the bank account indicated on your invoices, which you can find on your EDUKA payment portal.

Each payer has an individual account number (to facilitate the matching of payments) that they will keep from one school year to the next.