Secondary School LFS Gazette

Secondary School LFS Gazette

LFS Gazette is a project created by students from 3ème to Terminale, with the supervisor Mr. Ochs and the student-editor Erika Nannette and Jeongmin Hyun (1ere)

The project’s purpose is to allow students to express freely, embrace themselves with numerous news and create glorious piece of art to develop their creativity and literature skills.

The LFS Gazette team hopes to create 3 journals throughout the school year, with the goal of providing a chance for secondary students to dive into the endless world of fascinating works and to create a sense of community.

Issue 04 (part 1) – December 2023
Issue 04 (part 2) – December 2023
Issue 03 (part 1) – June 2023
Issue 03 (part 2) – June 2023
Issue 02 – April 2023
Issue 01 – December 2022

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